Earnings Disclaimer
Last Updated on Novenber 30th, 2020

We have made every efforts to represent the product you are purchasing from us or any our services you are about using together with this product or independently.
We make Forward-Looking Statements in respect to earnings through the use of any of our products or system or those of our affiliates or partners. These projections are based on experiences which differ from one person’ to another’s. Experiences however differ from persons to persons or groups to groups. Any of our projected statements of earnings on any of our products or sites are therefore intended to express our opinion of earnings potentials rather than actual earnings. There are many factors that will determine your actual results. We therefore make no guarantees of any kind in respect to you achieving same or similar results to ours or anyone else’s. Indeed, no guarantees are hereby made to you achieving any result at all by your use of any of our materials or those of any of our partners or affiliates, even if we promoted such a material, product or services as good for you or for anyone at all.
Your attainment of result through any of our products or services we believe is based on the efforts or skill you employ while using our materials and the external factors of what is happening in the world or around you. Such factors are not directly under our own control. We therefore make no guarantees on your success while using our materials. The examples in any of our materials are not to be interpreted to promise anyone of a “GET-RICH SCHEME”.
Earning potentials will depend on the person who is using our product, depend also on efforts put in, techniques used, Ideas and your consistency.

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